Frappe Technologies




May 2024

~8 min read

Updates from Frappe Labs

New features, fixes and a new progressive web app.

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Community updates

Learn more about initiatives and event updates for the month.

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Reader's Corner

Dive into some interesting stories from the people at Frappe.

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Fresh takes from May

We've rolled out a fresh batch of landing pages for each Frappe product! From Learning to Insights, Builder to CRM, Helpdesk to Books, Education, Drive and Wiki, each page has been meticulously crafted through multiple iterations to achieve its perfect aesthetic. Dive in to explore the unique features of each product and uncover the stories behind them. These pages are sure to pique your interest!

Frappe products get a new homepage refresh

Frappe Cloud

Next up, introducing the new Frappe Cloud dashboard! It's not just more flexible but also more intuitive.

Frappe Cloud Dashboard

Previously, configuring permissions in the old dashboard was a bit of a tough nut to crack—flexible but prone to errors. We've now simplified the permissions design, making it robust and bug-free. Smooth sailing ahead!

Frappe Cloud Dashboard

Frappe Framework

Frappe recorder simplifies db optimization by recommending indexes that can boost query performance. Find out more such enhancements on GitHub.

Frappe Learning

Frappe Learning brings in a feature fest.

  1. You can now assign badges to learners based on specific rules, and these badges will be visible on their profile page.

  2. Users will receive in-app notifications on the learning portal and can track unread notifications from the sidebar.

  3. Moderators can now feature courses, making them appear on the top of the Live section on the course list.

And this list is just the tip of the iceberg - there is more in this blog post and the April updates here.

Frappe Builder

We've packed Builder with a host of new features and fixes to make your experience even smoother:

  1. Easily upload videos by dragging and dropping them onto the canvas.

  2. Customize the favicon for individual pages, giving each a unique touch.

  3. Set the homepage directly from the builder interface, simplifying your workflow.

  4. The builder app path is now configurable, providing greater flexibility.

  5. Fix: Instantly unpublish a page from the builder.

  6. Fix: Allow dynamic styles using the Data Key for more customized design options.

Explore these enhancements and see how Builder can make website creation a piece of cake.

Frappe HR

In the HR realm, you can now fetch in your geolocation in Employee check-ins on both desktop and mobile.

By default, the Appraisal Final Score is calculated as the average of Goal, Feedback, and Self Score, but we’ve added more flexibility to configure the final score formula to suit your needs.

Video: Geolocation in Employee check-ins

Frappe CRM

CRM is sprinting ahead with upgrades and enhancements too. We're thrilled to announce that CRM is now accessible on mobile phones as a Progressive Web App!

Frappe CRM - Web App

Here are a few minor enhancements you might like:: 

  1. Add any field as a filter in the list view and easily clear all filters.

  2. Customize icons for any view.

  3. Bulk assigning and clearing assignments is now a breeze.

  4. See the Liked By field in list view.


Ready to learn some cool docker based stuff like CI/CD for custom Frappe apps and beyond? Join Revant Nandgaonkar on #BuildwithHussain for this two-part journey - Part 1 and Part 2.

A bigger Frappe family

This month, we rolled out the carpet for 6 new partners -

Comfac Corporation, BPM Infotech LLP, FCOOS Technologies Pvt Ltd, Galega De Software Especializodo Slu, Infoney and Inanovai Technologies Inc.

Welcome aboard!

Community initiatives: Growing together

Our community thrives on collaboration, bringing a marketplace of open-source applications for everyone to use. To encourage and support our kind developers, we're introducing a revenue-sharing program for all apps listed on the Frappe Cloud Marketplace. Check out the program details and learn how you can grow with Frappe.

We've also lined up webinars for June. Visit the events page for details on how to join us.

Frappe Events

It’s that time of the year!

Hold onto your hats because we've saved some exciting news for last. Any guesses? Frappeverse 2024 is here! This year, we're pulling out all the stops to host a bigger and better Frappeverse at the Nehru Centre in Worli, Mumbai.

Get ready for an unforgettable community gathering filled with insightful talks, engaging discussions, and a special showcase of our partners. Mark your calendars for October 3-4th and start booking your tickets to Mumbai. Registration will be live soon! Stay tuned for more information and get ready to be part of something spectacular.

That’s all for now. See you again next month, be it rain or shine.

Team frappe