Moderators can now create and assign badges to learners. When creating a badge they can define certain rules for badge assignment. When any learner fulfills these rules, the badge gets assigned to them. They can then view these badges from their profile page.

You can now mention users in the discussion sections. The discussion section appears at the end of every lesson. It is also a part of every batch. The mention process is just like any other platform where you mention users. You have to press @ followed by the user's name to mention another user.

Users will now receive in-app notifications of the learning portal. A new page has been added for notifications which can be accessed through the sidebar. Users will receive notifications for the following events:
When they create a discussion topic in any lesson and someone replies to it. When someone mentions them in any reply. When they are the instructor of the course and someone replies on any of the topics in your course. When they are a moderator and someone comments on any of the batches.
The notifications page will have sections for Unread and Read notifications. You can mark individual notifications as read or you can mark all of them as read in one go. The sidebar also shows the count of unread notifications to inform users about new notifications they may have received. The count updates once they read the notification.

Featured Courses
Moderators and Course Creators can now mark their courses as Featured. They can do so by just enabling the Featured option when creating or editing a course. All featured courses will be listed at the top of the Live section on the course list. They will also have a Featured badge to indicate the same. The rest of the courses will appear after them in the list.

Switch to Desk
Some of you reached out asking for a convenient way to switch to the desk from the learning portal. So I needed the well-known Switch to Desk option on the learning portal.

Updated menu for mobile
The mobile menu had a few missing pieces but now it's complete. You can now log in and log out from the mobile using these menu options. The profile page is also now accessible from this same menu.