BANT Qualifying Questions
Timeline Questions
Is an ERP platform part of your road map for this year? and is it approved and budgeted by organization-wide management?
What prompted you to explore our solution?
No-one buys software just to buy software. People love to buy an impact. What various leading indicators and outcomes you’re hoping to achieve?
Have you explored a solution earlier? Can you talk about what you liked and dis-like about them?
Do you understand the perceived value proposition of the ERP? and would you mind what that would be for you?
And, what’s your understanding from the business and technical side of the project?
And what’s the priority of this project along with other projects that might have been going on?
Note: The answer will tell us if they are seriously looking out or it’s just a casual google search to fit in something at a later time (Surface Pain)
How is it impacting your business? Eg: Cost cutting, poor operational efficiency, delayed accounting, etc.
What if you didn’t do anything and kept the process the same? It will let us know the actual business pain - and typically while answering this question, the prospect is giving reasons for the concerns.
If you had a chance to wave a magic wand to have the most desired outcome from a solution, what would that be? or what is your wish list for an ideal solution? This is for us to know how much as a solution we can help the prospect fulfill his/her wish.
(Personal Pain) I understand the challenges and the need, but how does picking the right solution impact you, personally? Note: If we do not get the answer and if we find it to be repetitive, we can ask - does it put you in a better space in front of your management?
Does it benefit you to showcase better work optimization? This is to reveal the personal pain around the concerns if any. Also, this is a great question to make the prospect your Champion internally and also validate SUCCESS CRITERIA.
While picking up the right solution, what is the most important component that you would consider? It could be price, scalability, or implementation time.
Note: This is a very important question - this can give us a lot of clarity around whether they are price sensitive or if they are looking for a functionally viable solution or if they are motivated enough to grow as a company if they are talking about scalability.
What does the decision process look like? how technologies have been purchased in the past and how long did it take to fully deploy?
Note: To get an idea who else along with you would be involved in the process so that you can suggest getting someone on the conversation at a later time in the sales cycle. This will also give us a fair idea around how long the sales cycle can go post evaluation and accordingly we can take measures.
By when do you plan to have a solution in place?
Note: If the conversation implies a longer timeline, we can ask " it seems like a big problem in hand. any particular reason why you are looking at a later solution? This question will help us know the timeline and how our follow up pattern/frequency needs to be.
Do you think the initiatives of adopting an ERP platform can be put on hold and why?
What could be three potential threats for not adopting a solution to your problem?
Budget Questions
Do you have a budget set aside for this project? If so, would you mind sharing what that would be in round numbers?
Have you given some thought to how much you will need to invest?
When I work with other companies on a project of this size, I find that they usually have funds allocated? Has your company done that?
Most often when I meet with a group such as yours, I find they have a budgeted amount they would like to stick to? Has your group come up with that amount?
Authority Questions
Who will make the decision, their roles, direct/indirect influence, veto power, etc.? Who else is involved in making the decision - the purpose of each step?
When will a decision be made?
Where will the decision be made - at what level or part of the company?
How will the decision be made?
Why is the decision made this way?
Need Questions
Tell me more about that?
Can you be more specific and give me an example?
How long has that been a problem?
What have you tried to do about that?
And did that work?
How much do you think that has cost you?
How do you feel about that?
Have you given up trying to deal with the problem?