March 2024

~8 min read

Updates from Frappe Labs

Performance fixes, revamped dashboards and new releases!

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Event Updates

Check out highlights from our recent events.

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Reader's Corner

Dive into some interesting stories from the people at Frappe.

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March Unwrapped

Welcome to the March edition of our newsletter! From product enhancements to insightful blogs and events, there's plenty to discover. Join us as we delve into the world of Frappe and uncover what's been brewing behind the scenes. So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let's dive into the highlights of the month together!

But wait, there's a little extra juice in this newsletter! We bring you a special edition of Frappe Times that unravels some shocking truths of the SaaS industry. Dive in now to read the breaking news and uncover the secrets that have been hidden in plain sight.

Frappe Refresh - February 2024

Frappe Framework

Amidst a series of performance-related enhancements, here are some noteworthy updates:

  1. Enhancing efficiency, the list view count now accurately capped up to 1000 entries. Beyond this, users can simply click on the count to view the precise number.

  2. Users now have the flexibility to select their preferred default workspace.

  3. Backups have been optimized to occupy less space during restoration, resulting in slightly faster restoration times.

Frappe Cloud

Introducing the beta version of our revamped dashboard for Frappe Cloud, meticulously developed over six months to ensure an unparalleled user experience:

  1. Can be built using configuration for ease of customization

  2. Backend engineers can seamlessly add new UI features without requiring frontend assistance

  3. Delivers a highly consistent UI and vastly improved user experience compared to the previous dashboard.

New Frappe Cloud Dashboard

Frappe HR

The Frappe HR Mobile app now supports push notifications, ensuring you stay updated on the go! This feature is available on public v15 benches hosted on Frappe Cloud, making it easier than ever to stay connected.

We've introduced several UX enhancements to our payroll system, including the ability to assign salary structures in bulk. Now, you can effortlessly manage assignment details, filter required employees, and update base and variable components for multiple rows at once. Plus, enjoy the convenience of auto-fetching default base pay from Employee Grade if already set.

Assign Salary Structures in bulk using Frappe HR

Frappe UI

Explore the enriched Frappe UI docs at for essential documentation, including guides on introduction, getting started, resources, and more. Dive in to uncover valuable insights and guidance for your projects!

Frappe CRM

Mark your calendars for April 1st when we introduce Frappe CRM, a modern, 100% Open Source CRM solution tailored to enhance your sales operations. Join our public group and don’t miss the live launch on #BuildwithHussain!


Frappe School:

Shaping the future of learning 

Calling all ERPNext and Frappe Framework experts! Join us in empowering the next generation of learners by becoming a training or content partner at Frappe School.

Whether you're passionate about crafting educational courses or leading certification batches, your expertise can make a significant impact on the community's learning journey.

Let's collaborate and inspire!


Expanding our ecosystem 

This month, we onboarded 10 new partners, further strengthening our network: HighFlyer Global Innovations (UK) Limited, Tektician Sdn Bhd, Mather + Platt Infotech Ltd, LogicalDNA Techno Systems Pvt Ltd, Pixeldust Technologies Pvt Ltd,  Solede SA, Data Proxy Technology, PT Ion Teknologi Indonesia, Wahni IT Solutions FZE, Qualitech solutions and services Pvt Ltd and Infinite Locus Pvt Ltd.

In our commitment to better serve our partners, we've also introduced daily office hours, providing the support they require and addressing any queries they may have as well. If you are considering joining the ecosystem, check out the partner plans and benefits here.

Events: Connecting Communities

Frappe Local Chennai

Frappe Build

Just like Frappe Local Chennai, the inaugural Frappe developer conference, Frappe Build drew a packed crowd! If you missed out on the live coding sessions or the chance to connect with the local community, fret not – we'll soon be sharing the talk recordings.

Framework Dubai Bootcamp

The Framework Dubai Bootcamp was a blast with attendees joining in from 8 different countries! If you missed it, you can catch up to the recordings here: Frappe Framework App Development Bootcamp, Dubai 2024.

While these events have concluded, we are planning many more for you! Stay tuned for upcoming ERPNext demos, webinars, and community gatherings where you can connect, learn, and grow together. Keep an eye on our event calendar for updates!

Reader's Corner

From personal journeys and cultural insights to transformative experiences that showcase the spirit of Frappe, there’s something for everyone here. Happy Reading!

  1. Curious about what's happening with Frappe LMS? Find out more here

  2. Dive into the personal journey of one of our team members to and at Frappe in this blog post

  3. Discover the unique culture at Frappe through a glimpse into our lunchtime rituals

  4. Learn how a customer transformed their production planning process from three hours to just ten minutes in this success story

  5. Read about the three year journey of a Frappe member as he reflects on his growth and the pivotal role of Frappe culture in it.

Reader’s Corner

As we close the chapter on this month and the financial year, let's welcome April with open arms and a spirit of renewal. Here's to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

Until next time, DFTBA (Don't Forget to Be Awesome)!

Team frappe