On Open Day, we share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand. To see past open days, click here.
- For Multi company setup, each company can now have different default values for a particular item. Child table has been introduced in the Item master which can be populated with different values for different companies and other details such as warehouse, accounts, etc.
- New DocTypes added for Employee Onboarding and Separation. It helps in tracking all the activities that needs to be carried out during the on and off boarding of an Employee.
- Deferred Account added to track deferred revenue. Blanket Order feature added to allow multiple delivery dates for a purchase or sale.
- Webform refactored. Support Portal in the works - A central place to send or look for an issue - Search box available that fetches data from scattered resources like docs and forums.
- Asset Accounting added - manage and supervise fixed assets with ease.
- Over production for Work Order is now allowed.
- frappe.io and erpnext.org are now refactored and live.
- New feature added - Tax Withholding.
- Some enhancements - Stocking out expired batches of an item, Monthly attendance report to show leave details, applying taxes based on GST code, Total quantity field added in sales/ purchase transaction.
- Leave Application displays table in dashboard upon Employee selection to view types of leave allocated and how many leaves are available or pending.
- Workflow Actions feature added to keep track of workflow action as it proceeds from one stage to another.
- Group same item in sales/purchase transaction while printing them through a checkbox.
- New DocField 'Fetch From' - no need to use add_fetch in the client side, can be set through the DocType settings itself.
- Scheduling of the asset depreciation based on the in-use-date.
- Added location doctype to manage asset transfer.
- Asset value adjustment to change the depreciation of the asset, if the damaged asset has been repaired.
- Added provision to back-flush raw materials based on stock entries for the subcontracted raw materials.