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Recruitment made easier with Frappe HR
Hiring is important, but it doesn't have to be difficult. With Frappe HR, we are committed to making things simple.




7 April 2023



min read

When it comes to hiring, you snooze, you lose!

And sometimes, you are snoozing when trying to handle all the repetitive recruitment work manually. 

Let’s look at it this way. Going through resumes, scheduling interviews, sending follow-up e-mails, and coordinating this process with interviewers for 50+ candidates through spreadsheets, along with a combination of different tools, is tough. But not impossible, we agree. But again, there is always a better way to handle this. 

When you use a single-source ATS (Application tracking system) to compare resumes, schedule follow-up e-mails, effortlessly set up interviews, and track the feedback from one dashboard, you can save time and effort to focus on scaling up your team quickly and efficiently. 

The recruitment module of Frappe HR serves as a single source of truth to manage hiring ops easily. From Job Requisition to candidate experience to Job offer - everything can be managed in one place without jumping through multiple software. 

Staffing Plan: Develop an effective recruitment strategy

If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to have a plan in place, and that includes your talent market strategy too. You can’t let understaffing or over-hiring be the death of your business. Knowing your workforce needs and having a solid recruitment plan is essential to control costs and keep your team on track. After all, your hires are the ones responsible for the quality of your products and the satisfaction of your customers!

Frappe HR makes this part a bit easier for you with the staffing plan feature under the recruitment module. You can create new staffing plans for each year and use them as the base for your recruitment strategy. 

Strategise your recruitment flow with the Staffing Plan

Requisitions & Referrals: Boost hiring using internal sources

Sometimes, the employees in the managerial position identify the talent gap and want to get more hires for the team to balance out the work. And to do that, a Job Requisition document is the way to go about it.

Keep a regular check on internal requirements with the Job Requisition board

In Frappe HR, creating a Job Requisition document is as easy as 1,2,3…. Read up on how to create one for yourself here. Having these Job Requisitions in one place helps in keeping the staffing budget in check and preparing the Staffing Plan accordingly. 

Another best way to fill an open position quickly is through Employee Referrals. It saves both, effort and capital. Using this feature from the Recruitment Module, you can speed up hiring and squeeze the TATs for more efficiency. 

Find the right talent through referrals from your own employees

Job Portal: Attract candidates with interesting openings 

Your intention to hire through Job Descriptions are the first and only impression a candidates gets about your company's vision. With Frappe HR, you can publish creative and detailed job openings with salary ranges. 


 Communicate your talent requirements through interesting job openings

Here are a few pointers for you to make JDs more appealing. 

🎯 First of all, personalize that job description! Show the candidate how their unique skills and experience can make a real impact in the role. Don’t just list generic responsibilities and requirements.

💬 Speaking of generic, cut out all the fluff in your job description. Job seekers want substance, not a bunch of flying promises. Be real with them, and don’t try to sell them something that isn’t there.

🤝 Ensure you align the job duties with the candidate’s impact on the company. Highlight how their contributions will make a real difference and get them excited about the role.

🌟 Finally, don’t be afraid to show off what makes your company unique. Stand out from the crowd and let candidates know why they should choose you over everyone else.

Job Applicants: Track applications and set up a smooth interview process

Applicants can apply against different job openings by filling out forms. Using Frappe HR you can maintain and manage a comprehensive list of applicants so that you can choose the one that best suits you.

The interview feature in our recruitment module helps you schedule online and walk-in interviews and allows you to set interview rounds and attach average ratings and required skill sets for every role. You also get to set panels for every candidate beforehand. This is particularly helpful in setting up a base for pre-defined interviews and ensuring a smoother process.

Track and manage the entire interview process from one place

Once an interview is created, you can easily submit feedback and reschedule interviews. We also have a color-coded calendar view to keep track of interviews. Interviewers can give feedback to rate the skill set of job applicants, which is then used to determine whether to accept or reject the applicant. 

Check feedbacks and take the right hiring decisions

Frappe HR also sends notifications about important events like interview rescheduling and feedback submission. Read up on the detailed summary here.

Job Offers & Appointment Letters: Manage your employee onboarding seamlessly

If you’ve ever been involved in hiring or recruitment, you know how tedious and time-consuming it can be. Keeping track of all the tasks and deadlines involved in the process can be overwhelming and stressful. However, by simplifying and managing your time effectively, you can free up more time to focus on the important stuff - like finding the perfect candidates for your organization. 

Once you find the right fit for the role, you can extend an offer that will outline important details such as the salary package, job designation, grade, department, and the number of days of leave you'll be entitled to, among other information. This will ensure that you are able to provide a more personalized and engaging experience for your candidates and make more informed hiring decisions, leading to a better overall candidate experience.

Share the offer letter drirectly from the system

Speaking of which, HR operations have a lot of tasks to take care of post the hiring too, and sending out appointment letters is one of them. But let’s face it; it’s a repetitive and time-consuming task again. With Frappe HR, you can make this process much easier and more efficient using our Appointment Letter templates. 

You can choose from pre-existing templates or create your own and customize them with personal details like the date of joining. This not only saves you time but also reduces the chance of errors.

Templetise the Appointment letters

If you’re already using Frappe HR, check out our documentation and give this feature a try for yourself!

Also, not to forget about the Stastistical Dashboard that gives you all the insights on how your recruitment season turned out. These dashboards with help you understand what went right and identify the success rate of your hiring plan.

Understand the success rate of your hiring strategy with reports

In Short...

If you want to level up your recruitment, it’s time to ditch the spreadsheets and manual processes to embrace the power of application tracking systems and manage the candidate experience from one place. And who knows, with all the time and effort you’ll save, you might even have a chance to catch up on some much-needed snooze!

Give Frappe HR a try and see the difference for yourself.

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7 April 2023


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Paul Mugambi


3 days


Beautiful read, and an insight into an individual I respect and have learned a lot from. Am inspired to trust the process and never give up.


Anna Dane


5 days


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