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Frappe HR updates from May & June 2023
May & June saw some significant performance improvements in HR and some complex edge-case handling in Shift Management


Rucha Mahabal


1 July 2023



min read


Faster Auto Attendance

I worked on optimizing the auto attendance job which made the process 3x faster 🚀

You can read more about the breakdown of this process here: #517, #586

Faster Org Chart Generation

When it came to a large number of employees (beyond 1.5k), the Org Chart generation was timing out and failing due to performance bottlenecks. I made some tiny improvements in the API and the server response times came down from 11.07 s -> 0.68129 s

Midnight Shift Edge Cases

Consider the following use case. 

Shift Timings: 20:00:00 (PM) - 7:00:00 (AM)

Shift Assignment: 24th May - 24th May

Although the shift is not assigned for the 25th, the 24th's shift is getting over on the 25th, so the shift should be fetched in the OUT log. But shift fetching used to fail on the next day (25th). This edge case was fixed along with some false positive duplicate assignment checks in case of midnight shifts.


Allow Ceil & Floor functions in Salary Formulas

Components like ESIC (Employees' State Insurance Corporation) don't follow traditional rounding. They always need to be rounded up to the next higher rupee.

1.2 -> 2

1.5 -> 2

You can now use ceil & floor in salary component formulas to achieve such use cases. Example:


The documentation now has a guide on how to use different mathematical functions in your component formulas:

Cost Center Mapping in Bank Entry

Cost center mapping from Payroll Entry to Bank Entry (Journal Entry) was missing. The fix now maps the cost center and If "Process Payroll Accounting Entry based on Employee" is enabled, this fix also honors cost-center-wise amount allocation in Bank Entry



Note for v15 (upcoming):

Frappe HR’s Payroll is integrated with ERPNext for accounting and loans. However, the Loan Management module has been removed from ERPNext in v15 and moved to a separate app called Frappe Lending. Lending is now a soft dependency for Frappe HR.

What does this mean?

  1. If you are not using loans in salary slips, this change doesn’t affect you.
  2. However, if you are using it in payroll, you will have to install the Frappe Lending app from Frappe Cloud Marketplace or GitHub when you move to v15 to continue using loan integration with payroll. 

That’s it, for now, 👋 Stay tuned for more updates, and star us on GitHub if you like what we’ve built so far!

Published by

Rucha Mahabal


1 July 2023


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Paul Mugambi


3 days


Beautiful read, and an insight into an individual I respect and have learned a lot from. Am inspired to trust the process and never give up.


Anna Dane


5 days


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