Frappe Technologies
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Frappe HR updates from August & September 2023
We spent the last 2 months adding some cool new features to v15 which is set to release in Nov. Here are some small updates that went into v14 in Aug & Sept.


Rucha Mahabal


1 October 2023



min read


Consider Marked Attendance on Holidays

By default, holidays are considered paid days even if an employee is marked absent on that day. But consider a scenario where a daily wage worker only works for 5 days a month (other days are marked as absent). They should not be paid for weekends and holidays.

There is now a setting to allow overriding holidays with attendance status (disabled by default). After enabling this, on a holiday:

  1. If attendance is marked, that attendance status will be considered
  2. Else, it will be considered as a paid holiday (like it does right now)

Also, when viewing payment days in a salary slip it's difficult for the user to figure out what settings affect these calculated days. Now payroll settings description is shown in draft salary slips to improve feature flag discoverability and context.

Employee Advance reference linking in Payroll Journal Entries

When Employee Advance is deducted from salary, the advance does not get linked in the Journal Entry after Payroll Entry submission so accounts still show up as unsettled.

Now Advances get linked to the Journal Entry thereby showing the accounts as settled:


Make Feedback Dialogs minimizable

While adding huge feedback, reviewers might want to interact with elements behind the feedback dialog like viewing the applicant’s resume. If they click outside the dialog the entire feedback gets lost.

Now these dialogs are minimizable so that they can do other actions and get back to their feedback.

Vehicle Service Options are now Configurable

Earlier the service items in the vehicle log were fixed.

Now the Vehicle Service Item is a master doctype, so you can create your Items and select them in the options.

That’s it for now 👋 Stay tuned for more updates and star us on GitHub if you like what we’ve built so far!

Published by

Rucha Mahabal


1 October 2023


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3 days


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