
If you wish to contribute to Frappe Charts:

  1. Clone the git repo.
  2. cd into project directory
  3. yarn or npm install
  4. yarn run dev or npm run dev

All changes should be made in the code base contained in src.

To contribute to one of the chart types, there are individual js files specific to each chart type in src/js/charts/, with BaseChart being the root for any chart. All charts are broadly categorised as AxisChart, AggregationCharts (PieChart and PercentageChart) and Heatmap. Common behaviour to be in all children charts can be considered to be defined in the parent.

Most of the ground-level logic code is segregated into the utils modules src/js/utils/.

If you wish to use an arbitrary constant value for a specific measure, color, ratio etc., check src/js/utils/constants.js and register the value to be used.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people for their contributions

On this page