
Frappe DataTable has a lot of customizable features, this section is dedicated to enabling / disabling existing functionality.


The first parameter required by the DataTable constructor is the container element. You can pass in a CSS Selector or a DOM Object.

const datatable = new DataTable('#datatable', options);
// or
const container = document.querySelector('#datatable');
const datatable = new DataTable(container, options);


The second parameter required by the DataTable constructor is the options object. The minimum required configuration is to pass column and data values.

const options = {
    columns: ['Name', 'Position', 'Salary'],
    data: [
        ['John Doe', 'DevOps Engineer', '$12300'],
        ['Mary Jane', 'UX Design', '$14000'],

const datatable = new DataTable(container, options);

The following options are configurable:


  • Type: Array
  • Default: []
  • Required

The minimum required value is to pass a list of column header names

const options = {
    columns: ['Name', 'Position', 'Country']

You can also pass an Array of Object Descriptors for each column header

const options = {
    columns: [
            name: 'Name',
            id: 'name',
            editable: false,
            resizable: false,
            sortable: false,
            focusable: false,
            dropdown: false,
            width: 32,
            format: (value) => {
                return value.bold();

column / name

  • Type: String
  • Required

column / id

  • Type: String
  • Default: Slugified version of name

column / editable

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

If this is set to false, the entire column will be read-only

column / resizable

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

If this is set to false, the column width will be fixed and is not resizable using mouse drag

column / sortable

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

If this is set to false, the column is not sortable using column actions

column / focusable

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

If this is set to false, the cells in the column is not focusable on click

column / dropdown

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Show / Hide the dropdown action button on column header

column / width

  • Type: Number

If the layout option is set to - fluid, then this value doesn't have any effect - fixed, then this value is set in pixels - ratio, then this value works similar to flex property in CSS. So, if column A has width: 1 and column B has width: 2, then column B will occupy twice as much width as column A

column / format

  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Custom Formatter function that is passed the value of the cell. You can process the value and return any valid HTML to customize how the cell is rendered.


  • Type: Array
  • Default: []
  • Required

The minimum required value is to pass an array of array of cell values. The order of cell values should match with the order of columns passed

const options = {
    columns: ['Name', 'Position', 'Country'],
    data: [
        ['Faris', 'Software Developer', 'India'],
        ['Kenneth', 'Marketing Engineer', 'India']

You can also pass an Object Descriptor for each cell value

const options = {
    columns: ['Name', 'Position', 'Country'],
    data: [
                content: 'Faris',
                // disable editing just for this cell
                editable: false,
                // format function takes precedence over
                // the format function defined in column header
                format: (value) => {
                    return value.fontcolor('blue');


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

By default, all cells in DataTable are editable. If you want to customize the editor behaviour you can use this option.

Here is an example to hook a custom date input while editing:

const d = new DataTable({
    getEditor(colIndex, rowIndex, value, parent, column, row, data) {
        // colIndex, rowIndex of the cell being edited
        // value: value of cell before edit
        // parent: edit container (use this to append your own custom control)
        // column: the column object of editing cell
        // row: the row of editing cell
        // data: array of all rows

        const $input = document.createElement('input');
        $input.type = 'date';

        return {
            // called when cell is being edited
            initValue(value) {
                $input.value = parse(value);
            // called when cell value is set
            setValue(value) {
                $input.value = parse(value);
            // value to show in cell
            getValue() {
                return format($input.value);


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to show serial number as the first column in datatable.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to show checkbox column in the datatable.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to use clusterize to render the data.

If you don't want to show large number of rows. Then you can turn this off. In that case you don't need to load the clusterize.js lib


  • Type: String
  • Default: fixed
  • Options: fixed | fluid | ratio

This option controls how width of each column is calculated in the DataTable.


The column width is calculated based on the content of the first row of the table. This layout can result in horizontal scroll.


The column width is adjusted based on the width of container. So the columns will be resized if the window is resized. This layout won't result in horizontal scroll. You will always see all the columns.


This layout works similar to the flex property in CSS. When column A has width set as 1 and column B as 2, then column B's width will be twice as much as column A.


  • Type: String
  • Default: No Data

The message shown when there are no rows to show in the DataTable.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

The height of the row will be set according to the content of the cell with the maximum height in that row.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: null

Set the height of each cell explicitly.

If this value is set, dynamicRowHeight won't have any effect.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable the inline filter feature. If the value is true, then you can activate the filter row by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + F after clicking on any cell in the DataTable.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to render rows in a tree structure. For this to work, you must pass the indent value for each row.


const data = [
        'Department': 'IT Department',
        'No of People': '10',
        'indent': 0,
        'Department': 'Javascript Team',
        'No of People': '5',
        'indent': 1,
        'Department': 'Vue.js Team',
        'No of People': '3',
        'indent': 2,
        'Department': 'React Team',
        'No of People': '2',
        'indent': 2,
        'Department': 'Design Team',
        'No of People': '5',
        'indent': 1,

const datatable = new DataTable('#datatable', {
    columns: ['Department', 'No of People'],
    data: data


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to show the number of rows checked in a toast message.


  • Experimental
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to allow the user to paste copied content into selected cell(s).

  • Type: String
  • Default:

String to render as the dropdown button. You can pass a span with an icon class.


    dropdownButton: '<span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span>'


  • Type: Array

When you hover over any column, you see the dropdown button which is used to perform certain actions for that column. This option allows you to pass an array of custom buttons custom actions defined by you.

options = {
    headerDropdown: [
            label: 'Copy column contents',
            action: function (column) {
                // code to copy the column contents


  • Type: Object

    The events options is described in detailed in the next section.