New updates for Frappe LMS

July 21, 2023

Hey there!👋 We are back with the monthly updates for Frappe LMS.

For folks who don't know it already, Frappe LMS is our 100% open source Learning Managemnet System that has an extremely simple backend and a clean UI to ensure that the focus remains on learning and users can create training courses in a snap.

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Let's start with the updates now 🚀.

Quiz Enhancements

Previously, the quiz form had a long list of questions, we received feedback from moderators for it to be challenging to edit specific ones efficiently. Scrolling to locate the desired question, like the 8th out of 10, was time-consuming and frustrating.

So we made enhancements to the quiz form by introducing a table format, which replaces the long list of questions on a single page. Moderators can now click on each question within the table to conveniently add or edit details, eliminating the need for extensive scrolling. This update streamlines the editing process and saves valuable time for moderators.

We also introduced two significant improvements to our quiz system. Moderators can now set a maximum number of quiz attempts for users, offering flexibility and control over the quiz-taking process. Additionally, the character limit for choice question options has been expanded, allowing longer sentences for more comprehensive answer choices. These enhancements will improve the overall user experience and tailor the quiz to specific requirements.

Try the renewed feature now


We now have an improved assessment system. Before, it was exclusively for courses, but it will have more flexibility in that context. Assessments can now be decoupled from courses and added independently to classes, providing greater versatility. Moderators can create quizzes or assignments and include them in classes through the assessments tab. For students, the new system presents a streamlined view of assessments, allowing easy access and submission of work. Moderators can conveniently grade submissions directly from the same page, enhancing both student experience and assessment management efficiency. These changes will help various training organization structures and adapt to different needs.

Class Enhancements

We have tried to make the Student Experience even better. Students now have a visually enhanced view of their enrolled courses, as they can see the entire course card instead of just the name in a list. This comprehensive overview boosts engagement and interaction with the platform. Also, the student list includes more informative details for moderators. They can easily access information such as the number of completed courses, finished assessments, and assessments pending grading for each student. These valuable insights enable better understanding and tracking of student progress, facilitating personalized support and targeted interventions when needed. These upgrades will help create a more user-friendly and effective learning environment.

Product Hunt

We launched Frappe LMS on Product Hunt earlier in June and ended as the #2 Education Product of the Week. The achievement resulted from the support and engagement from users and the Product Hunt community, inspiring the team to continue improving and providing value to users.

By the way, we've got some exciting news to share! Our app has received over 300 ⭐️ on GitHub, and we couldn't be happier about the incredible support from our community. This boost in engagement inspires us to keep working hard and making our product even better to meet all of our users' evolving needs. Thank you for being part of this amazing journey with us!

See you around creating amazing courses in a snap!

Team Frappe

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